Wednesday, September 7, 2016

State reflection


The Stingray engine has two controller threads -- the main thread and the render thread. These two threads build up work for our job system, which is distributed on the remaining threads. The main thread and the render thread are pipelined, so that while the main thread runs the simulation/update for frame N, the render thread is processing the rendering work for the previous frame (N-1). This post will dive into the details how state is propagated from the main thread to the render thread.

I will use code snippets to explain how the state reflection works. It's mostly actual code from the engine but it has been cleaned up to a certain extent. Some stuff has been renamed and/or removed to make it easier to understand what's going on.

The main loop

Here is a slimmed down version of the update loop which is part of the main thread:

while (!quit())
    // Calls out to the mandatory user supplied `update` Lua function, Lua is used 
    // as a scripting language to manipulate objects. From Lua worlds, objects etc
    // can be created, manipulated, destroyed, etc. All these changes are recorded
    // on a `StateStream` that is a part of each world.

    // Flush state changes recorded on the `StateStream` for each world to
    // the rendering world representation.
    unsigned n_worlds = _worlds.size();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_worlds; ++i) {
        auto &world = *_worlds[i];

    // Begin a new render frame.

    // Calls out to the user supplied `render` Lua function. It's up to the script
    // to call render on worlds(). The script controls what camera and viewport
    // are used when rendering the world.

    // Present the frame.

    // End frame.

    // Never let the main thread run more than 1 frame a head of the render thread.

    // Create a new fence for the next frame.
    _frame_fence = _render_interface->create_fence();

First thing to point out is the _render_interface. This is not a class full of virtual functions that some other class can inherit from and override as the name might suggest. The word "interface" is used in the sense that it's used to communicate from one thread to another. So in this context the _render_interface is used to post messages from the main thread to the render thread.

As said in the first comment in the code snippet above, Lua is used as our scripting language and from Lua things such as worlds, objects, etc can be created, destroyed, manipulated, etc.

The state between the main thread and the render thread is very rarely shared, instead each thread has its own representation and when state is changed on the main thread that state is reflected over to the render thread. E.g., the MeshObject, which is the representation of a mesh with vertex buffers, materials, textures, shaders, skinning, data etc to be rendered, is the main thread representation and RenderMeshObject is the corresponding render thread representation. All objects that have a representation on both the main and render thread are setup to work the same way:

class MeshObject : public RenderStateObject

class RenderMeshObject : public RenderObject

The corresponding render thread class is prefixed with Render. We use this naming convention for all objects that have both a main and a render thread representation.

The main thread objects inherit from RenderStateObject and the render thread objects inherit from RenderObject. These structs are defined as:

struct RenderStateObject
    uint32_t render_handle;
    StateReflection *state_reflection;

struct RenderObject
    uint32_t type;

The render_handle is an ID that identifies the corresponding object on the render thread. state_reflection is a stream of data that is used to propagate state changes from the main thread to the render thread. type is an enum used to identify the type of render objects.

Object creation

In Stingray a world is a container of renderable objects, physical objects, sounds, etc. On the main thread, it is represented by the World class, and on the render thread by a RenderWorld.

When a MeshObject is created in a world on the main thread, there's an explicit call to WorldRenderInterface::create() to create the corresponding render thread representation:

MeshObject *mesh_object = MAKE_NEW(_allocator, MeshObject);

The purpose of the call to WorldRenderInterface::create is to explicitly create the render thread representation, acquire a render_handle and to post that to the render thread:

void WorldRenderInterface::create(MeshObject *mesh_object)
    // Get a unique render handle.
    mesh_object->render_handle = new_render_handle();

    // Set the state_reflection pointer, more about this later.
    mesh_object->state_reflection = &_state_reflection;

    // Create the render thread representation.
    RenderMeshObject *render_mesh_object = MAKE_NEW(_allocator, RenderMeshObject);

    // Pass the data to the render thread
    create_object(mesh_object->render_handle, RenderMeshObject::TYPE, render_mesh_object);

The new_render_handle function speaks for itself.

uint32_t WorldRenderInterface::new_render_handle()
    if (_free_render_handles.any()) {
        uint32_t handle = _free_render_handles.back();
        return handle;
    } else
        return _render_handle++;

There is a recycling mechanism for the render handles and a similar pattern reoccurs at several places in the engine. The release_render_handle function together with the new_render_handle function should give the complete picture of how it works.

void WorlRenderInterface::release_render_handle(uint32_t handle)

There is one WorldRenderInterface per world which contains the _state_reflection that is used by the world and all of its objects to communicate with the render thread. The StateReflection in its simplest form is defined as:

struct StateReflection
    StateStream *state_stream;

The create_object function needs a bit more explanation though:

void WorldRenderInterface::create_object(uint32_t render_handle, RenderObject::Type type, void *user_data)
    // Allocate a message on the `state_stream`.
    ObjectManagementPackage *omp;
    alloc_message(_state_reflection.state_stream, WorldRenderInterface::CREATE, &omp);

    omp->object_type = RenderWorld::TYPE;
    omp->render_handle = render_handle;
    omp->type = type;
    omp->user_data = user_data;

What happens here is that alloc_message will allocate enough bytes to make room for a MessageHeader together with the size of ObjectManagementPackage in a buffer owned by the StateStream. The StateStream is defined as:

struct StateStream
    void *buffer;
    uint32_t capacity;
    uint32_t size;

capacity is the size of the memory pointed to by buffer, size is the current amount of bytes allocated from buffer.

The MessageHeader is defined as:

struct MessageHeader
    uint32_t type;
    uint32_t size;
    uint32_t data_offset;

The alloc_message function will first place the MessageHeader and then comes the data, some ASCII to the rescue:

| MessageHeader | data                                              |
<- data_offset ->
<-                          size                                   ->

The size and data_offset mentioned in the ASCII are two of the members of MessageHeader, these are assigned during the alloc_message call:

template<Class T>
void alloc_message(StateStream *state_stream, uint32_t type, T **data)
    uint32_t data_size = sizeof(T);

    uint32_t message_size = sizeof(MessageHeader) + data_size;

    // Allocate message and fill in the header.
    void *buffer = allocate(state_stream, message_size, alignof(MessageHeader));
    auto header = (MessageHeader*)buffer;

    header->type = type;
    header->size = message_size;
    header->data_offset = sizeof(MessageHeader);

    *data = memory_utilities::pointer_add(buffer, header->data_offset);

The buffer member of the StateStream will contain several consecutive chunks of message headers and data blocks.

| Header | data | Header | data | Header | data | Header | data | etc   |

This is the necessary code on the main thread to create an object and populate the StateStream which will later on be consumed by the render thread. A very similar pattern is used when changing the state of an object on the main thread, e.g:

void MeshObject::set_flags(renderable::Flags flags)
    _flags = flags;

    // Allocate a message on the `state_stream`.
    SetVisibilityPackage *svp;
    alloc_message(state_reflection->state_stream, MeshObject::SET_VISIBILITY, &svp);

    // Fill in message information.
    svp->object_type = RenderMeshObject::TYPE;

    // The render handle that got assigned in `WorldRenderInterface::create`
    // to be able to associate the main thread object with its render thread 
    // representation.
    svp->handle = render_handle;

    // The new flags value.
    svp->flags = _flags;

Getting the recorded state to the render thread

Let's take a step back and explain what happens in the main update loop during the following code excerpt:

// Flush state changes recorded on the `StateStream` for each world to
// the rendering world representation.
unsigned n_worlds = _worlds.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_worlds; ++i) {
    auto &world = *_worlds[i];

When Lua has been creating, destroying, manipulating, etc objects during update() and is done, each world's StateStream which contains all the recorded changes is ready to be sent over to the render thread for consumption. The call to RenderInterface::update_world() will do just that, it roughly looks like:

void RenderInterface::update_world(World &world)
    UpdateWorldMsg uw;

    // Get the render thread representation of the `world`.
    uw.render_world = render_world_representation(world);

    // The world's current `state_stream` that contains all changes made 
    // on the main thread.
    uw.state_stream = world->_world_reflection_interface.state_stream;

    // Create and assign a new `state_stream` to the world's `_world_reflection_interface`
    // that will be used for the next frame.
    world->_world_reflection_interface->state_stream = new_state_stream();

    // Post a message to the render thread to update the world.
    post_message(UPDATE_WORLD, &uw);

This function will create a new message and post it to the render thread. The world being flushed and its StateStream are stored in the message and a new StateStream is created that will be used for the next frame. This new StateStream is set on the WorldRenderInterface of the World, and since all objects being created got a pointer to the same WorldRenderInterface they will use the newly created StateStream when storing state changes for the next frame.

Render thread

The render thread is spinning in a message loop:

void RenderInterface::render_thread_entry()
    while (!_quit) {
        // If there's no message -- put the thread to sleep until there's
        // a new message to consume.
        RenderMessage *message = get_message();

        void *data = data(message);
        switch (message->type) {
            case UPDATE_WORLD:

            // ... And a lot more case statements to handle different messages. There
            // are other threads than the main thread that also communicate with the
            // render thread. E.g., the resource loading happens on its own thread
            // and will post messages to the render thread.

The internal_update_world() function is defined as:

void RenderInterface::internal_update_world(UpdateWorldMsg *uw)
    // Call update on the `render_world` with the `state_stream` as argument.

    // Release and recycle the `state_stream`.

It calls update() on the RenderWorld with the StateStream and when that is done the StateStream is released to a pool.

void RenderWorld::update(StateStream *state_stream)
    MessageHeader *message_header;
    StatePackageHeader *package_header;

    // Consume a message and get the `message_header` and `package_header`.
    while (get_message(state_stream, &message_header, (void**)&package_header)) {
        switch (package_header->object_type) {
            case RenderWorld::TYPE:
                auto omp = (WorldRenderInterface::ObjectManagementPackage*)package_header;
                // The call to `WorldRenderInterface::create` created this message.
                if (message_header->type == WorldRenderInterface::CREATE)
            case (RenderMeshObject::TYPE)
                if (message_header->type == MeshObject::SET_VISIBILITY) {
                    auto svp = (MeshObject::SetVisibilityPackage*>)package_header;

                    // The `render_handle` is used to do a lookup in `_objects_lut` to
                    // to get the `object_index`.
                    uint32_t object_index = _object_lut[package_header->render_handle];

                    // Get the `render_object`.
                    void *render_object = _objects[object_index];

                    // Cast it since the type is already given from the `object_type`
                    // in the `package_header`.
                    auto rmo = (RenderMeshObject*)render_object;

                    // Call update on the `RenderMeshObject`.
                    rmo->update(message_header->type, package_header);
            // ... And a lot more case statements to handle different kind of messages.

The above is mostly infrastructure to extract messages from the StateStream. It can be a bit involved since a lot of stuff is written out explicitly but the basic idea is hopefully simple and easy to understand.

On to the create_object call done when (message_header->type == WorldRenderInterface::CREATE) is satisfied:

void RenderWorld::create_object(WorldRenderInterface::ObjectManagementPackage *omp)
    // Acquire an `object_index`.
    uint32_t object_index = _objects.size();

    // Same recycling mechanism as seen for render handles.
    if (_free_object_indices.any()) {
        object_index = _free_object_indices.back();
    } else {
        _objects.resize(object_index + 1);
        _object_types.resize(object_index + 1);

    void *render_object = omp->user_data;
    if (omp->type == RenderMeshObject::TYPE) {
        // Cast the `render_object` to a `MeshObject`.
        RenderMeshObject *rmo = (RenderMeshObject*)render_object;

        // If needed, do more stuff with `rmo`.

    // Store the `render_object` and `type`.
    _objects[object_index] = render_object;
    _object_types[object_index] = omp->type;

    if (omp->render_handle >= _object_lut.size())
        _object_lut.resize(omp->handle + 1);
    // The `render_handle` is used
    _object_lut[omp->render_handle] = object_index;

So the take away from the code above lies in the general usage of the render_handle and the object_index. The render_handle of objects are used to do a look up in _object_lut to get the object_index and type. Let's look at an example, the same RenderWorld::update code presented earlier but this time the focus is when the message is MeshObject::SET_VISIBILITY:

void RenderWorld::update(StateStream *state_stream)
    StateStream::MessageHeader *message_header;
    StatePackageHeader *package_header;

    while (get_message(state_stream, &message_header, (void**)&package_header)) {
        switch (package_header->object_type) {
            case (RenderMeshObject::TYPE)
                if (message_header->type == MeshObject::SET_VISIBILITY) {
                    auto svp = (MeshObject::SetVisibilityPackage*>)package_header;

                    // The `render_handle` is used to do a lookup in `_objects_lut` to
                    // to get the `object_index`.
                    uint32_t object_index = _object_lut[package_header->render_handle];

                    // Get the `render_object` from the `object_index`.
                    void *render_object = _objects[object_index];

                    // Cast it since the type is already given from the `object_type`
                    // in the `package_header`.
                    auto rmo = (RenderMeshObject*)render_object;

                    // Call update on the `RenderMeshObject`.
                    rmo->update(message_header->type, svp);

The state reflection pattern shown in this post is a fundamental part of the engine. Similar patterns appear in other places as well and having a good understanding of this pattern makes it much easier to understand the internals of the engine.


  1. Good stuff! I believe there is a typo in the article, "The render thread objects inherit from RenderStateObject and the render thread objects inherit from RenderObject." I suppose it should be "The main thread objects inherit from RenderStateObject." And there is a little confusion if you choose RenderStateObject as base class name for main thread classes, because it is prefixed with Render. You mentioned all the classes in render thread being prefixed with Render. So someone may think RenderStateObject is a render thread class, and there should be a corresponding StateObject in main thread. And would you explain more about your sync mechanism between main thread and render thread?

    1. Hi Cherlix,

      Yes, that's correct it should be "The main thread". I've updated the post to that, thanks.

      Yeah, the naming might be a bit confusing, I agree. Hopefully it isn't too confusing to miss the overall message of the post.

      The way other threads communicate with the render thread is through the _render_interface. The _render_interface is basically just a thread safe ring buffer that other threads post messages to which the render thread consumes.

      The way the syncing happens between the main and render thread is by creating a fence and then later on waiting on that fence. Underneath the hood it's implemented as an "Event". On Windows that translates directly to creating a windows event, So the way it works is that when the "create_fence" function is called from e.g. the main thread, a new event is acquired (there's a pool of them) and a message is posted to the render thread. When the render thread consumes the message it just sets the event which on Windows translates to "SetEvent". Calling "wait_for_fence" translates to "WaitForSingleObject" on Windows.

  2. Great article! Just curious as to why the render_handle and _objects_lut were needed? Do you move RenderStateObjects around in memory or is there a reason why the render_handle couldn't just be the same as the RenderStateObject* and avoid the look-up in the render thread?

    Also, does the message-based approach offer other benefits over having a sync-point between the main and the renderer thread where you update any "dirty" objects' render state from their main/update state? It seems a little easier to filter out redundant state changes with the sync-point and possibly sync multiple objects in parallel. Though the message-based approach does keep slower operations from stalling the update thread.

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