Friday, October 10, 2014

Building a Data-Oriented Entity System (Part 4: Entity Resources)

In the last post, I talked about the design of the TransformComponent. Today we will look at how we can store entities as resources.

Dynamic and Static Data

I’m a huge fan of compiling resources into big blobs of binary data that can be read directly into memory and used as-is without any need for “deserialization” or “reference patching”.

This requires two things:

  • First, the data must be swapped to the right endianness when the data is generated.

  • Second, internal references in the resource must use offsets instead of pointers, since we don’t know where the loaded resource will end up in memory and we want to avoid pointer patching.

Initially, this approach can seem a bit complicated. But it is actually a lot simpler than messing around with deserialization and reference patching.

Note though, that this approach only works for static (read-only) data, such as meshes, textures, etc. If data needs to change for each instance of a resource, we must store it somewhere else. If an instance needs to change color, we can’t store that color value in a memory area that is shared with other instances.

So what typically happens is that we split out the dynamic data as “instance data” and let that data refer to the static resource data. Many instances can make use of the same resource data, thus saving memory:

---------------                -----------------
|Instance of A| --------+----> |A resource data|
---------------         |      -----------------
---------------         |
|Instance of A| --------+

---------------                -----------------
|Instance of B| --------+----> |B resource data|
---------------         |      -----------------
---------------         |
|Instance of B|---------+

We typically hard-code what goes into the instance. For example, we know that the color is something that we want to modify so we add it to the instance data. The vertex and index buffers cannot be changed and thus go into the static data. When we create the instance we initialize the instance data with “default” values from an instance template in the resource data.

You could imagine doing this another way. Instead of hard-coding the data that can be modified per instance, you could say that everything can be modified per instance. In the instance data you would then use a flexible key-value store to store the delta between the instance and the resource data.

This is more flexible than hard-coding, because it allows you to override everything per instance, even texture or vertex data if you want that. It can also save memory, because the instance data will only contain the things you actually override, not everything that potentially could be overridden. So if you have many instances that use the default values, you don’t have to store any data for them.

On the other hand, there are drawbacks to this approach. Accessing value becomes a lot more complicated and expensive, because we always need to perform an extra query to find out if the instance has overridden the default value or not.

We currently don’t use this approach anywhere in the engine. But I think there are circumstances where it would make sense.

Anyway, I’m getting sidetracked. Back to the entity system.

The thing is, the way I envision the entity system, it is very dynamic. Components can be added and removed at runtime, child entities linked in and properties changed. Components that handle static data, such as the MeshComponent do it by referencing a separate MeshResource that contains the mesh data. There is no mesh data stored in the component itself.

Since everything in the entity system is dynamic, there is only instance data. The only thing we have in the resource is the template for the instance data. Essentially, just a set of “instructions” for setting up an instance. There is no need for the instance to refer back to the resource after those instructions have been followed.

Defining the Resource Format

So an entity resource should contain “instructions” for setting up an entity. What should it look like? Let’s start by just writing up what needs to go in there:

struct EntityResource
    unsigned num_components;
    ComponentData components[num_components];
    unsigned num_children;
    EntityResource children[num_children];

Note: Of course the above is not legal C++ code. I’m using some kind of C-like pseudo-code that allows things like dynamically sized structs in order to describe the data layout. I’ve written about the need for a language to describe data layouts before.

The exact binary layout of the ComponentData is defined by each component type, but let’s use a common wrapper format:

struct ComponentData
    unsigned component_identifier;
    unsigned size;
    char data[size];

Now we have a common way of identifying the component type, so we know if we should create a MeshComponent, a TransformComponent or something else. We also know the size of the component data, so if we should encounter a component type that we don’t understand, we can ignore it and skip over its data to get to the next component. (Another option would be to treat unknown component types as a fatal error.)

A quick fix to make this layout slightly better is to move all the fixed size fields to the start of the struct:

struct EntityResource
    unsigned num_components;
    unsigned num_children;
    ComponentData components[num_components];
    EntityResource children[num_children];

Now we can access the num_children parameter without having to look at all the components and their sizes to know how far we need to skip forward in the resource to get to the num_children field.

This may or may not matter in practice. Perhaps, we only need the value of num_children after we have processed all the component data, and at that point we already have a pointer into the resource that points to the right place. But I always put the fixed size data first as a force of habit, in case we might need it.

Sometimes, it makes sense to add offset tables to these kinds of resources, so that we can quickly lookup the offset of a particular component or child, without having to walk all of the memory and count up the sizes:

struct EntityResource
    unsigned num_components;
    unsigned num_children;
    unsigned offset_to_component_data[num_components];
    unsigned offset_to_child_data[num_children];
    ComponentData components[num_components];
    EntityResource children[num_children];

With this layout, we can get to the data for the i’th component and the j’th child as:

struct EntityResourceHeader
    unsigned num_components;
    unsigned num_children;

const EntityResourceHeader *resource;
const unsigned *offset_to_component_data = (const unsigned *)(resource + 1);
ComponentData *data_i = (const ComponentData *)
    ((const char *)resource + offset_to_component_data[i]);

const unsigned *offset_to_child_data = (const unsigned *)
    (offset_to_component_data + num_components);
EntityResourceHeader *child_j = (const EntityResourceHeader *)
    ((const char *)resource + offset_to_child_data[j]);

The first time you encounter code like this it can seriously spin your head around with all the casting and pointer arithmetic. However, if you think about what happens and how the data is laid out in memory it is really pretty straight forward. Any mistakes you do will most likely cause huge crashes that are easy to find, not sneaky subtle bugs. And after a while you get used to these kinds of manipulations.

But, anyway, I’m drifting off on a tangent again, because actually for our purposes we don’t need these lookup tables. We will just walk the memory from beginning to end, creating one component at a time. Since we don’t need to jump around between different components, we don’t need the lookup tables.

What we do need though is some way of storing more than one resource. Storing one entity is fine if we are dealing with a “prefab” type of resource, that contains a definition of a single entity. However, what about a level? It will probably contain a bunch of entities. So it would be nice to have a resource type that could store all those entities.

Ok, no biggie, we know how to do that:

struct EntitiesResource
    unsigned num_entities;
    EntityResource entities[num_entities];

Done, yesno?


Working for a while in this business you get an intuitive feel for when performance matters and when it doesn’t. Of course, intuitions can be wrong, so don’t forget to measure, measure, measure. But level spawning tends to be one of these areas where performance does matter.

A level can easily have 10 000 objects or more and sometimes you want to spawn them really fast, such as when the player restarts the level. So it seems worth it to spend a little bit of time to think about how we can spawn levels fast.

Looking at the resource layout, our spawn algorithm seems pretty straight forward:

  • Create the first entity
    • Add its first component
    • Add its second component
    • Create its child entities
  • Create the second entity
    • Create its first component
    • Create its second component

This is so simple and straight forward that it might seem impossible to improve on. We are walking the resource memory linearly as we step through components, so we are being cache friendly, aren’t we?

Well, not really. We are violating one of the fundamental principles of data-oriented design: Do similar things together.

If we write out the operations we actually perform linearly instead of in an hierarchy and make things a bit more concrete, it’s easier to see:

  • Create entity A
  • Create a TransformComponent for A
  • Create a MeshComponent for A
  • Create an ActorComponent for A
  • Create entity B
  • Create a TransformComponent for B
  • Create a MeshComponent for B

Note how we are alternating between creating different kinds of components and entities. This not only messes with our instruction cache (because each component has its own code path), but with our data cache as well (because each component has its own data structures where the instances get inserted).

So let’s rewrite this so that we keep common operations together:

  • Create entity A
  • Create entity B
  • Create a TransformComponent for A
  • Create a TransformComponent for B
  • Create a MeshComponent for A
  • Create a MeshComponent for B
  • Create an ActorComponent for A

Much better. And we can go even further.

Instead of telling the EntityManager to “create an entity” one hundred times, let’s just tell it to “create 100 entities”. That way, if there is any economy of scale to creating more than one entity, the EntityManager can take advantage of that. And let’s do the same thing for the components:

  • Create entities (A, B)
  • Create TransformComponents for (A,B)
  • Create MeshComponents for (A,B)
  • Create an ActorComponent for A

Notice how we are encountering and making use of a whole bunch of data-oriented principles and guidelines here:

  • Access memory linearly.
  • Where there is one, there are many.
  • Group similar objects and operations together.
  • Perform operations on multiple objects at once, rather than one at a time.

Let’s rewrite the data format to reflect all our newly won insight:

struct EntityResource
    unsigned num_entities;
    unsigned num_component_types;
    ComponentTypeData component_types[num_component_types];

struct ComponentTypeData
    unsigned component_identifier;
    unsigned num_instances;
    unsigned size;
    unsigned entity_index[num_instances];
    char instance_data[size];

For each component, we store an identifier so we know if it’s a MeshComponent, TransformComponent, etc. Then we store the number of instances of that component we are going to create and the size of the data for all those instances.

Note that now when we are walking the format, we can skip all instances of an unknown component type with a single jump, instead of having to ignore them one by one. This doesn’t matter that much, but it is interesting to note that data-oriented reorganizations often make a lot of different kinds of operations more efficient, not just the one you initially targeted.

The entity_index is used to associate components with entities. Suppose we create five entities: A, B, C, D and E and two ActorComponents. We need to know which entity each ActorComponent should belong to. We do that by simply storing the index of the entity in the entity_index. So if the entity index contained {2,3} the components would belong to C and D.

There is one thing we haven’t handled in the new layout: child entities.

But child entities are not conceptually different from any other entities. We can just add them to num_entities and add their component instances to the ComponentTypeData just as we would do for any other entity.

The only additional thing we need is some way of storing the parent-child relationship. We could store that as part of the data for the TransformComponent, or we could just store an array that specified the index of each parent’s entity (or UINT_MAX for root entities):

struct EntityResource
    unsigned num_entities;
    unsigned num_component_types;
    unsigned parent_index[num_entities];
    ComponentTypeData component_types[num_component_types];

If parent_index was {UINT_MAX, 0, 1, 1, 2} in our A, B, C, D, E example, the hierarchy would be:

A --- B --- C --- E
      + --- D

Implementation Details

This post is too long already, so I’ll just say something quickly about how the implementation of this is organized.

In the engine we have a class EntityCompiler for compiling entities and a similar class EntitySpawner for spawning entities.

A component that can compile data needs to register itself with the entity compiler, so that it can be called when component data of that kind is encountered by the compiler.

Ignoring some of the nitty-gritty details, like error handling, endian swapping and dependency tracking, this looks something like this:

typedef Buffer (*CompileFunction)(const JsonData &config, NittyGritty &ng);

void register_component_compiler(const char *name, CompileFunction f,
    int spawn_order);

The compile function takes some JSON configuration data that describes the component and returns a binary BLOB of resource data for insertion into the entity resource. Note that the compile function operates on a single component at a time, because we are not that concerned with compile time performance.

When registering the compiler we specify a name, such as "mesh_component". If that name is found in the JSON data, the entity compiler will redirect the compile of the component data to this function. The name is also hashed into the component_identifier for the component.

The spawn_order is used to specify the compile order of the different component, and by extension, their spawn order as well. Some components make use of other components. For example, the MeshComponent wants to know where the enitty is, so it looks for a TransformComponent in the entity. Thus, the TransformComponent must be created before the MeshComponent.

A similar approach is used to register a component spawner:

typedef void (*SpawnFunction)(const Entity *entity_lookup,
    unsigned num_instances, const unsigned *entity_index, const char *data);

void register_component_spawner(const char *name, SpawnFunction f);

Here the entity_lookup allows us to look up an entity index in the resource data to a an actual Entity that is created in the first step of spawning the resource. num_instances is the number of component instances that should be created and entity_index is the entity index from the ComponentTypeData that lets us lookup which entity should own the component.

So entity_lookup[entity_index[i]] gives the Entity that should own the ith component instance.

The data finally is a pointer to the instance_data from the ComponentTypeData.

That’s certainly enough for today. Next time, we’ll look at a concrete example of this.


  1. Another great post and an awesome series. I understand the chances of this are slim but what are the odds of releasing something similar to the bitsquid foundation library which shows off a bare-bones example of this system? I totally understand that it isn't a quick thing to do but it was so awesome getting to poke around the foundation lib to see how it all fit together. Something like that for this would be the bomb! :) Thanks again for sharing!

    1. Thanks. Most likely this will not make it into the foundation library.

    2. No worries, just thought I'd check :) Thanks again!

    3. Bitsquid: Development Blog: Building A Data-Oriented Entity System (Part 4: Entity Resources) >>>>> Download Now

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      Bitsquid: Development Blog: Building A Data-Oriented Entity System (Part 4: Entity Resources) >>>>> Download LINK

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      Bitsquid: Development Blog: Building A Data-Oriented Entity System (Part 4: Entity Resources) >>>>> Download Full

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  2. When you destroy an entity with multiple "components" , how do you find each component to destroy?

  3. Great article! Reading these raised few questions to my mind:

    1.) How do you handle ComponentSystem creation & update order? There must be some component systems that needs to be update before others, for example if you create some behavioural components to handle actual game logic. There must be some way to register systems?

    2.) How do you expose components properties from code to editors? Is it some serialization based system, or do you have separated JSON scheme in file? I think JSON scheme solution is quite nice since editors doesn't need to know anything about actual code, just editing what ever values they want and at the it can be compiled in to a nice data blob. In engine run-time side you just need to ask values with keys and you can easily load objects from data blob. Loading can be of course automated if you define key for each component value in code. There's benefit that designers can add new values when ever they want and once gameplay programmers have time they can start to create now functionality that uses these values. Downside of course is that you need to keep code and JSON scheme in sync.

    2.) You mentioned MeshComponent as one example and it has reference to MeshResource. What attributes/properties you actually expose from MeshComponent to users and what kind of functionality MeshComponentSystem API provides (e.g. material resource vs. individual material properties)? I'm asking this since you most obviously have some sort of RenderWorld/RenderWorldManager (scenegraph) that keeps all render actors (mesh, skeletal mesh, lights, terrain...) and it has already well defined API. So if component systems represents runtime interface for game logic to access all the needed functionality MeshComponentSystem most likely just passes all calls to actual render world making it just a extra layer of indirection. Another solution what I can think of is that RenderWorld/RenderWorldManager itself is actually MeshComponentSystem. What I mean that it will handle all component types related to rendering e.g MeshComponent, SkeletalMeshComponent, LightComponent. Is this something that you are doing, or am I missing something from big picture?

    Keep up the good work you are doing!

    1. Thanks!

      1) Currently, each component registers with a floating point number and the creation order is sorted with respect to this number. But I'm thinking about switching this and instead let each component explicitly declare which components it "depends on" and must be constructed before it. I think that is cleaner.

      2) Components have separate JSON UI-descriptors that describe how the editor should present the data.

      3) Currently, since the component system is a later add-on, it acts as a thin wrapper around the RenderWorld. If we had built the system component based from scratch, perhaps we would have let the RenderWorld and the MeshComponentSystem be the same thing.

  4. Just curious here about a few thing regarding the bitsquid engine on the art and level design side of things.

    Will there be a visual shader editor similar to Unreal Engines material editor?

    Have you guys written any thing on the level editor yet? I am asking Because currently with Unity3D and Cryengine you are quite constrained to the level editor. This is bad if you are doing large scale procedural levels, large scale worlds that are made at runtime, etc.

    It would be awesome to see Bitsquid/Autodesk embrace procedural content and large game worlds as well with this engine.

    I love the what you see is what you play functionality with Cryengine but I hate the workflow and the many plugins you have to install for Photoshop, 3DS Max, etc.

    Back on to the programming side of things - I noticed that you guys are using JSON. Does this mean that we can have our users customize the application for their own wants and needs if they want to?

    Just curious here

    Keep up the awesome work!

  5. Yes, there is a visual shader editor and a level editor.

    It is really tricky to make a level editor that is simple to use and understand for beginning users and yet so flexible that it can be used for all kinds of "unusual" scenarios (such as procedural levels or whatever else ideas people might have). At some point you have to decide what your editor is, or it will just become an empty framework. So our editor in the default configuration won't be good for procedural levels, but we are looking into how we can add flexibility to it so that it can be reconfigured.

    Yes, we use JSON for all our data formats, so you can write your own editors if you want to (as long as they output the right JSON data for the engine). That might be the way to go if you want something really special.

  6. Hey, Thank you for the reply Niklas.

    Just got a few more questions -

    I am used to the Physically Based Shading model by now as are most people. Will that be in BitSquid?

    What platforms will be supported?

    When can I start using Bitsquid?

    1. Sorry, I can't say much about the release plans until it is official.

  7. Hi Niklas, I know that you promised a concrete example on next article but I would like to ask you how do you handle interactions between components (if there's one), for example: How a MeshComponent get rendered in the right position? Does the MeshComponentSystem lookup for TransformComponents to get the right position every time a mesh needs to be rendered?

    1. No, the renderer keeps its own copy of the mesh's position. The TransformComponent will reflect the position to the renderer only when it changes.

      The TransformComponent knows (because other components have told it) which positions need to be reflected to the renderer.

    2. Let me see if I understood. Generically speaking if component A needs to keep in sync with component B, the component A "register" itself on component B, so whenever component B update its state the component A will be "notified".

      Looking forward to read next article.

    3. Yes, that's one way of doing it... but there is not really a general system. Each system decides what makes most since for it, given its particular constraints.

  8. Great article series and really interesting!

    thanks to these articles I have a clear idea on all these little "pieces", but what I really don't grasp is the global structure/functionality, and so, I would like to ask some questions:

    1. the components are owned by the (specific) systems or are stored elsewhere? There is, for example a component manager and all systems refer to him to collect the desired components or all data are inside each system and so a system asks to another for its "product" ?

    2. how two system interact with each other? for example If there is a system that updates all TransformComponents and now is the turn of the RenderingSystem that needs those transformations, how the product of the first is pass to the second? copying the entire TransformComponent's array each frame? And what if the rendering needs a 4x4 Matrix version of the TransformComponent, who owns this temporary version? who produces it?

    3. What about if a system needs to match two components and not only one e.g. MeshCmp and TransformCmp? who is in charge to match the correct transform for a specific mesh (based on the entity) and pass all the things to the rendersystem?

    thanks for sharing!


    1. 1. Each system owns its own component, there is no centralized manager. To talk about a component you have to talk to the specific system managing it.

      2. Each system is responsible for how it wants to expose the data to other systems. In addition to get_transform_of_entity() the TransformComponent could also expose bulk operations to get all the transforms. It could also decide that transforms will never be moved in memory and thus use shared memory to communicate with other systems. It could also expose functions for getting a list of just the transforms that have changed, so that the renderer only needs to update what has changed. It is just a matter of finding the best approach to make all systems performant.

      3. Generally speaking, only one system should be authoritative on a particular piece of data (such as an object's position). Otherwise you are creating lots of trouble for yourself. So decide who owns the data, and if necessary factor it out in a separate component.

  9. A few questions regarding the compile function.

    1. How is the json config being created? Is made by hand? Is it created via the editor? What is stored in the json? Is it data layout or something else? Could you show a small example of what might be in the json?

    2. The blob that is returned, is that then stuffed into the instance_data of the ComponentTypeData?

    3. Finally, are you still planning on presenting a more concrete example of this system?

  10. 1. Editor.
    2. Yes.
    3. Hmm maybe mabye not... I lost steam a bit... will see if I get it back.

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  32. HP printers are used worldwide and is a popular name in printing industry. HP printer setup All drivers for HP printers are available to download for free on official HP website.Connect your HP printer with Google Cloud Print. HP printer setup If your cloud ready printer is an HP ePrint printer, connecting to Google Cloud Print is as simple as entering ...The easiest way to install an HP printer is to start by going to Printer HP printer setup setup from the HP® Official site and follow the instructions to install your printer.Printer driver for color printing in Windows. HP printer setup It supports HP PCL 5c commands. Basically, this is the same driver as PCL5e with color printing functionality added.On HP printers with HP printer setup built-in displays, you can also access the HP Wireless Setup Wizard by navigating to your printer’s Network options.

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    log in and enter office 25 digit product key to activate your office product. if you are new user then you need to create a office account to get more benefits of subscription.If you have a new and never used product key , then this product key can be used during activation process. Go to and follow the on screen instructions and Enter your Ms to activate Office..An account gives you simple access to all things advanced. To keep everything on your gadget, sign in with our install office setup site. For more information visit our website and solve the problem.An account associated with Office is required to install or reinstall Office. For that, sign in to setup office and get your office setup from Office Setup. Enter product key for office setup. You can follow the instructions given by us to activate with product key. There is a new Sensatin office in the MS office market.You can also set up an office with a 25-digit activation code. For more information, you should visit our website . Our team is always available for your help. For more information, you can contact our team at and get more and more information.

  39. log in and enter office 25 digit product key to activate your office product. if you are new user then you need to create a office account to get more benefits of subscription.If you have a new and never used product key , then this product key can be used during activation process. Go to and follow the on screen instructions and Enter your Ms to activate Office. Go if you're not already signed in, select Sign in. Sign in with the account you associated with this version of Office.Through office setup you can download, install and download ap . create a Ms office account to manage and office 2019 subscription. Contact the for more information.

    Mcafee antivirus is widely used aantivirus helps to detect and neutralize computer virus, the mail worms,the trojan programs,and also helps your system free of virus and other malware is quite a daily challenge. for more details visit today. McAfee Activate! you can begin activation with enter item code/key at enter mcafee activation code and visie for more subtleties.For more information, you can visit our website and enjoy.Mcafee antivirus is commonly used to identify and kill PC infections, mail worms, Trojan programs, and so on. mcafee enables your framework to be free from infection. For more information visit here.To install, activate and redeem the Mcafee card on your PC, you must have a product key or activation code. If you have code, you enter mcafee activation code and if you have any problems redeeming your activation code, you can contact our team through this website and get the information Can.Mcafee antivirus provides protection from viruses, hackers, spyware and more harmful websites. If you want to protect your devices from harmful data, go to and download mcafee antivirus.To install, activate and redeem the Mcafee card on your PC, you must have a product key or activation code. If you have code, you enter mcafee activation code and if you have any problems redeeming your activation code, you can contact our team through this website and get the information Can.

  40. Follow the on-screen prompts to accomplish the. To find hp printer troubleshooting tips, you need to make a call on our toll-free number and technicians can provide you hp support for printer problems. 123 hp printer setup via the WPS method. The provides the admiring services to users and steps to install the device on your system. You can visit and complete the printer setup for your device.US Driver setup offers the recent version of printer drivers and software in a click as in . You may avail of the latest version of printer drivers, software, and firmware for both. 123 hp Printer is a perfect device for all your personal home print needs. printer features like copying, printing, and print your documents and photos. Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your series. This is HP’s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your HP Computing and Printing products for Windows and Mac operating systems.Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP 123 LaserJet Printing Supplies. This is HP’s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your HP Computing and Printing products for Windows and Mac operating systems.Enter your HP LaserJet model download the right HP printer software and drivers.or to the HP Official website to set up your printer. Get started with your new printer by downloading the software. This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions More.

  41. The Canon Pixma MG 3600 Setup is a compact printer that can be set up with a few quick and simple steps. The Pixma device can be configured to work with an iOS device through a cableless setup. The mode of connection that makes this cableless Canon Pixma MG 3600 setup possible is Wi-Fi. This enables you to set up the Pixma device by using your Apple smart device. You can also use an Android device to set up the Pixma MG3600 printer, and there is the traditional USB setup method as well.

    Un pack the printer from its packaging and keep the power cords ready to connect in its respective places. Now, place the cords firmly into the wall sockets so that there are no loose connections or any power issues with the devices. After connecting the cords, press the Home button on the left-hand corner of the printer.

  42. The Canon printer enhances scan functionality, and includes a robust MG2920 security feature set. Using a Canon printer service phone, you can get a full MG2920 installation of the printer and go to the installed Canon printer to download the driver. Canon Pixma MG2525 To get more and more information, visit our website and get the information according to convenience .

    Netgear is one of the world’s renowned producers of the router. It is the first to provide users with the netgear router login fastest wireless router. These routers ensure a strong and steady network connection. Netgear Router Login are designed keeping in mind the needs of different home network users.

  43. Download and install the most demanding and perfect HP Printer: 2700 for your device and start 2700 printing with HP Printer. Visit 2700 and follow the setup 2776 is one of the most demanding printer setup in the whole world. Download and install 2776 wireless 2776 and start using it for better quality printings.Download and setup 3636 using a USB connection with your device and start 3636 printing with hp printer. Visit 3636 and learn the setup procedure for hp printer. 2676 is the most demanding and preferred printer setup available in the market. 2676 If you want to download and install hp printer, visit 2676 and get started with it.HP Printer setup is the best printer software that delivers high quality printing services. Visit 2600 and download the printer setup for getting started with it.HP Printers are the best printing software and one of the most preferred ones is 1112 Download and install the hp printer setup and print with it.

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  53. is a full solution for a range of works that may be simply configured from and improved. This is the official website for online assistance that includes online handbooks, functionality information and more for Canon products. Moreover, downloading and installation procedures for the Canon IJ installation process are necessary at the http/ site. for the entire Canon installation process. See the steps below for details.
    Get More info: http / Follow the instructions below to start the process of establishing your Canon Inkjet Printer. A gadget, a laptop or a PC is the initial stage in this procedure. Now, open your device's online browser and choose for any Google Chrome, Internet Edge, or Mozilla Firefox web browser. Place the address bar on the top panel of the browser. Click on the "ij.start.cannon" bar and enter. Introduce. Now you are going to visit the website's homepage. You'll notice tabs on different operations on the homepage. The "Set Up" icon has to be clicked. You're moved to a new window when you click on it.
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  59. Aaron Wan-Bissaka is available เรอัลมาดริด after his suspension for the red card suffered at Young Boys was halved to one game, on appeal.
    Harry Maguire came through the Foxes encounter unscathed on his return from a calf injury so he is ready to start, although Raphael Varane is absent with the groin issue he suffered during the UEFA Nations League final against Spain.

  60. The two strikers will likely be Luis เรอัล มาดริด Muriel and his Colombian team-mate Duvan Zapata, who has recently returned from injury and scored twice in Sunday's 4-1 win against Empoli.

  61. Such comments on Keane ข่าวซอคเกอร์ are hardly rare. Howard is one of hundreds across the football world who see Keane as the embodiment of what a footballer should be. At United, the Irishman is comfortably in the discussion about the club’s greatest player.

  62. “I was going on tour with ข่าว บอล Manchester United. It was a really great experience. I ended up playing a game, I think it was in Chicago maybe. We played Bayern Munich. [Roque] Santa Cruz was up front and stuff.

  63. Our Women’s, Under-23s and Under-18s ข่าวกีฬาฟุตบอล sides are also in league action this week while there are some memorable dates to look back on from years gone by.

  64. What’s the team news ahead of the visit of Atalanta, thinking in particular of Harry Maguire and Anthony Martial?
    “Anthony joined in training [on Tuesday] but he’s still not fit enough to join us [for the match]. Harry’s not had a reaction so he’s fine and good to go. We didn’t lose anyone else from the game through injury ดอร์ทมุนด์at the weekend, so we’re more or less a full squad. Raphael [Varane] of course is not with us still. Edinson [Cavani] and Fred are back available which is good for us.”

  65. Ole, we could see how disappointed everybody was at the weekend, so what have you, the staff and the players been doing to put things right?
    “As you do every time you lose a game of football you quickly evaluate and look at what went wrong, and of course you’ve got admit that a few things went wrong. Then you have to focus on the next game and how to correct what we haven’t been good enough at. The focus has been good. The minds have been on this game, it’s a chance to make up for the bad start แมนฯ ซิตี้we had in the group with the Young Boys defeat. If you go into halfway point in the group with two home wins then you’re on the way.”

  66. Asked whether the striker will be ready for the big clash, Ole admitted: “I don’t know. I hope so and I think so.
    “It was a dead leg and sometimes it can take longer than what you want. But if we treat it well, he should be okay.”

  67. It added to his goal against Leicester City at the King Power Stadium last Saturday, but now he’s battling to face Liverpool at the weekend.
    Asked whether the striker will be ready for the big clash, Ole admitted: “I don’t know. I hope so and I think so.

  68. Were you unable to resolve your Windows Canon pixma Printer issue with the help of the canon com ijsetup page? Users are sometimes in a hurry, and as a result, they don't spend enough time investigating the solution from this page. As a result, this blog was built to provide a direct reference to the solution. You can read and follow the recommendations right away without having to do any investigation. To quickly troubleshoot Canon issues, use the methods outlined above.

    When it comes to printer dependability and quality, Epson is the most popular brand. However, users may experience problems with their printing hardware and be unable to print the papers. It might be quite inconvenient to have your Epson printer printing blank pages, especially if you have critical papers to print. This technological mistake has the potential to interrupt the entire printing process. Fortunately, you can quickly troubleshoot the problem with the aid of some simple solutions. So, if you are unable to take a printout from your Epson printing equipment because it is printing blank pages, stay reading to learn how to resolve the problem.

    It is very common that you might face a printing issue with the HP printer. Likewise other printers the HP printers can also encounter technical glitches. Are you also facing issues while printing the documents? If yes, then this guide will assist you with the solution to fix HP Printer Light Blinking Error. This article will explain to you all why this HP error occurs and how to fix them. But before we start to discuss the steps you need to understand that the lights flashing on the printer is a response from the printer for the command that is given to the printer. Let us discuss the topic in detail and understand “How do I fix the flashing light on my HP printer.

  69. Thanks for Sharing with a nice comment. If you are searching for the “HP Printer print jobs stuck in queue” issue that users have been reporting along with easy solution suggestions and HP’s solution software help. So you should update your printer driver to see if it fixes your problem. There are two ways to update your printer driver: manually or automatically.

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